Mindfulness May Actually Make a Difference

Recently, when trying to manage various conditions, my mental health nurse recommended the free app Smiling Mind. I was a bit skeptical about its efficaciousness, but have been learning to be more open minded so I gave it a chance.

Smiling Mind is called a mindfulness and meditation on app, but I am hesitant to focus on the word meditation as it can give Christians the idea that it is religious and anti-Christian. It is completely secular and uses pyschological techniques to induce calm. Hence why I chose to focus on the term mindfulness even though many people think it sounds silly.

This app has helped me tremendously. I often have insomnia and the breathing exercises have frequently helped me to sleep when I was sure sleep would be elusive. The meditations are usually short, between five and fifteen minutes, and are easy to fit in a busy day when you need some very quick stress reduction. It has definitely made a difference with general anxiety; my husband noticed my improvement on his own.

This is an aside from mental health, but the body scans have helped me to handle physical pain. Focusing on other areas of one’s body that are not in pain made it easier to deal with the pain that was there. I felt more gratitude when I was conscious of how many things don’t hurt all the time!

I really recommend the app Smiling Mind for anyone in any walk of life who struggle with anxiety.

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I am a busy mother of eight great children who has had mental health difficulties. I write about how I try to live a full life with a mental illness, but from a conservative perspective. I am interested in guest posts if you have a perspective you would like to share. I hope you find some solace here!

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