Panic Attacks

Panic attacks might seem strange and a bit silly when you hear about them. One conjures images of Mrs. Bennet and her “poor nerves”, but they can actually be quite horrible and scary. They can be so extreme in their symptoms that they have been confused by doctor and patient alike for heart attacks.

I have a family member who has had many of them. I always felt sympathy for her and did not seek to minimize her difficulties, but I simply couldn’t quite understand. One thing that struck me about her panic attacks which is different from anxiety (but not always) was the great difficulty with breathing that can happen. I always noticed this particularity.

I suppose it is fortunate that I paid some attention as I was more prepared for when I started having them. This last pregnancy has for some reason triggered them. The worst one was on a bus into Edinburgh to attend Mass. It hit like a tsunami immediately when the bus took off and for forty minutes I could barely breathe, was crying, and felt like I was dying. When we got off the bus I started sobbing on the streets of Edinburgh incontrollably. If I had not known about panic attacks from my relative I’m sure I would have gone to hospital.

I have had numerous panic attacks since. Unfortunately, they are not good for your baby when you are pregnant. The adrenaline and stress reduces blood flow to the baby. My priest knows the situation and recommends I stay home from Church until after the baby is born. I hope the panic attacks will desist when I am no longer pregnant and I can take stronger medication to deal with it if necessary.

I don’t have great coping techniques for really severe panic attacks. For mild ones breathing calmly, getting into an open space, and not been too warmly dressed seem to help quite a bit. I have also given up coffee to reduce the caffeine and that has mitigated them.

Please write in with any coping strategies you have!