Scotland Boosts Teenage Mental Health with Free Bus Passes

Scotland has a new policy that residents under twenty two can ride buses in Scotland for free! As a family without a car we are incredibly excited about this opportunity. This will naturally benefit all our children, but I am especially grateful that our teenagers will be able to experience more independence and have breaks from the home without the danger of driving their own car. They can more easily have time to themselves, get a job, or meet friends. Conservatives often have larger families so this is a great blessing for them and gives them some defences and a bit of cred regarding accusations of environmental damage.

I also am thinking of those who are in physically or emotionally abusive homes who are not otherwise able to get away. I hope this will help them.

Here is more information on the subject:

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I am a busy mother of eight great children who has had mental health difficulties. I write about how I try to live a full life with a mental illness, but from a conservative perspective. I am interested in guest posts if you have a perspective you would like to share. I hope you find some solace here!

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